How to Keep Air Conditioners in Camden County, GA Happy During the Summer

You rely on your air conditioner during the summer months to keep you cool as a cucumber, no matter what the forecast throws your way. Unfortunately, even the best air conditioners can take a turn for the worse if they aren’t cared for or inspected properly. You can avoid the hassle and discomfort caused by a malfunctioning air conditioning unit by following a few simple summer maintenance tips designed to keep your unit running properly when you need it the most. If you ever experience a problem with your unit, you should find a trusted service provider for air conditioners in Camden County, GA who can help you assess and address the issue. Here are some tips for keeping your AC running smoothly:

  • Check your filters: Regularly checking and cleaning your filters is essential if you want to keep your air conditioner running efficiently all summer. As you use your AC unit, dust, debris and pet dander can collect in your filter and restrict airflow. When air can’t pass freely through the filter, it forces your air conditioning unit to work harder, which means that you will be seeing a higher energy bill at the end of the month. You can avoid this by replacing your filters regularly.

  • Maintain temperature balance: When you leave the house for the day, don’t turn the air conditioning off completely. Excessive heat can damage the items in your home and might even cause your appliances to work harder.

  • Clean around your outdoor AC unit: Overgrown grass and tree branches can inhibit the airflow of your AC unit if they aren’t properly managed. Make sure anything around your outside until is cleared within three feet in order to facilitate the most effective airflow.

  • Clean coils: Cleaning your condenser coils is essential in order to maintain the proper function of your air conditioning unit. Clean coils will be able to more effectively dissipate heat, and they will also save you money on your energy bill.

  • Invest in professional air conditioner maintenance and repair: While you can do a lot of maintenance on your air conditioning unit on your own, there’s nothing quite as effective as getting professional help with maintenance and repairs. A contractor who is experienced in dealing with air conditioners in Camden County, GA will be able to provide you with the services that you need to keep your unit running as efficiently as possible.

Finding the right AC contractor

No matter what kind of issues you are experiencing with your HVAC unit, you can trust Sam Pickren Air Conditioning & Heating to resolve the problem quickly and efficiently. We are a family owned and operated business that has been providing customers in the community with heating, ventilation and air conditioning services for decades. Our trained contractors have years of experience working with customers to address their specific needs and to find lasting solutions to common HVAC concerns. If you’d like to work with us for your HVAC needs, our team is just a call away.

Air ConditionerKanan St.Rose